CREAM Invest

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CREAM Group is behind the gradual revitalization of one of the largest brownfields in the country - the large complex of the former Baťa factory in Zlín. It focuses on rental housing and commercial leases in almost all major Czech and Moravian cities. It also operates an internationally acclaimed translation terminal near Košice, Slovakia. For the next 10 years, it is preparing projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia worth CZK 25 billion. 

The former "Bata" shop will be transformed into an apartment building in the pedestrian zone in Šumperk

03 Mar 2024

On Hlavní třída in Šumperk, the reconstruction of house No. 284, which is not a decoration in the pedestrian zone, will begin. The investor has a building permit, and within two years at the latest there will be flats available, and modern commercial premises on the ground floor.

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Dum U Smetanu will undergo a major reconstruction

20 Feb 2024

The Art Nouveau house, which stands at the crossroads of Charles IV and Kněžská streets in the very centre of České Budějovice, will undergo a major reconstruction this year. Although it does not stand directly on the square, but a few dozen metres away from it, it is part of the old buildings that give the centre its distinctive character.

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Two million for services for children on the spectrum

14 Dec 2023

Being on the spectrum is a familiar expression not only in the non-profit organization Behind the Glass, but especially in families where they have a loved one with autism spectrum disorder. They live the same life as anyone else, they just have it a lot more challenging. According to Marta Pečeňová, who has been running the nonprofit since 2011, the Christmas holidays and Christmas Eve itself are extremely challenging for these families.

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Thirty-two modern apartments will be built, part of the lofts will be used by students

05 Dec 2023

In the eastern part of the Bat'a complex, in close proximity to the Bat'a skyscraper, where the Regional and Financial Office is located, CREAM Group received a building permit for the extension of building No. 32. The two-storey extension between the existing staircase cores will create the 10th and 11th floors of the building. In its way, the modernisation of a part of the listed building has met with the understanding of the Department of Culture and Conservation of the City of Zlín because it sensitively complements the original building and fully respects its industrial architecture.

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Zlín acquires the Factory for 3.5 billion

21 Sep 2023

CREAM Investments has received a building permit for the construction of a multifunctional building complex, which it plans to complete by 2027 in the eastern part of the former Bata factory site. In the modern centre of Zlín, into which the Bata complex is gradually transforming, three buildings will be erected, connected on the lower floors by a glass monoblock. They will be connected by a common name - the investor believes that whoever comes to Zlín will not miss a visit to the Factory.

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