CREAM Invest

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CREAM Group is behind the gradual revitalization of one of the largest brownfields in the country - the large complex of the former Baťa factory in Zlín. It focuses on rental housing and commercial leases in almost all major Czech and Moravian cities. It also operates an internationally acclaimed translation terminal near Košice, Slovakia. For the next 10 years, it is preparing projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia worth CZK 25 billion. 


Dum U Smetanu will undergo a major reconstruction

The Art Nouveau house, which stands at the crossroads of Charles IV and Kněžská streets in the very centre of České Budějovice, will undergo a major reconstruction this year. Although it does not stand directly on the square, but a few dozen metres away from it, it is part of the old buildings that give the centre its distinctive character.

The Cream Group, the owner of the building, was granted planning permission late last year to allow for more intervention in the current structure. "This is a beautiful Art Nouveau building from the beginning of the last century, so we will do the reconstruction with the utmost respect
to the original architecture," says Martin Jarolím, who is mainly responsible for the strategic development of the company from Zlín, including development projects. In the case of the Art Nouveau house U Smetanů, it is not just a matter of repairing the falling facade. "We are planning to invest at least CZK 90 million in the reconstruction," says Jarolím and continues.
The history of today's house U Smetanů dates back to the late Gothic period of the 16th century, two hundred years later we can still trace references to the dyeing trade, which had a long tradition here. In 1915, the house disappeared and was demolished down to the foundations. The Land Bank appeared in its place within the next two years, but it did not last long. In 1924, the building was bought by Bohumil Smetana. The modern history of the ground floor in particular was then written by a Tuzex shop, and in the 1990s bank branches returned here. First Evrobank, then Union Bank. None of the competing banks survived, today there is a clothing store. The major reconstruction of the U Smetanů house should be completed by the beginning of next year at the latest.

Important dates in a nutshell:
- Investment of approx. 90 million CZK
- 23 flats ( 1+1 to 3kk)
- Commercial premises on the ground floor
- Start of reconstruction/rebuilding 2024
- Completion 2025

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