CREAM Invest



The Cream Group is a group of companies led by the investment fund CREAM SICAV, a.s.

The company is registered with the Municipal Court in Prague,
insert B 15122, IČ: 28545320 | DIČ: CZ28545320,
The company is listed on the Prague Stock Exchange PX under ISIN: CZ0008042264

Data box: i9jfx54

34. budova, Vavrečkova 5657, 760 01 Zlín

Nuselská 262/34, 140 000 Prague 4

+420 573 776 300

Press and media

If you are interested in learning more about any of our projects or obtaining images and 3D visualizations of our future real estate projects, please contact our press department at the contacts listed to the right. Thank you.

Ivo Mravinac

press spokesperson for CREAM Group

Pavlína Srkalová

Head of marketing

Become a supplier

At CREAM Group, we are interested in working with the best in the industry. If you are convinced of our qualities, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to learn about your experience and the quality of your work.

Technical Department of CREAM Group


The CREAM group offers a variety of applications. Candidates with experience from the economic environment and specialists and experts from specific sectors can find employment opportunities with us. HR Department of CREAM Group


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