CREAM Invest

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CREAM Group is behind the gradual revitalization of one of the largest brownfields in the country - the large complex of the former Baťa factory in Zlín. It focuses on rental housing and commercial leases in almost all major Czech and Moravian cities. It also operates an internationally acclaimed translation terminal near Košice, Slovakia. For the next 10 years, it is preparing projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia worth CZK 25 billion. 


The former "Bata" shop will be transformed into an apartment building in the pedestrian zone in Šumperk

On Hlavní třída in Šumperk, the reconstruction of house No. 284, which is not a decoration in the pedestrian zone, will begin. The investor has a building permit, and within two years at the latest there will be flats available, and modern commercial premises on the ground floor.

The facade of the house differs significantly from the surrounding ones, which have facades with decorative elements. It is an original Bata shop, as in many other cases throughout the country, a purposeful building with a façade characteristic of functionalism. Over many decades, the ground floor of the building was occupied by various retailers, while the upper floors used to be apartments. Today, the house is seemingly abandoned, so its renovation will be a pleasant change for anyone passing through the pedestrian zone.
New apartments will be welcome in Šumperk, even though it is a smaller building. The town does not have enough of them, it is like all towns in the country where there is no shortage of work. Moreover, the Jeseníky foothills are an interesting location. "But we don't want to rush the reconstruction," says Martin Jarolím, a member of the board of CREAM Group, which owns the building, and continues, "so far we have a project for the reconstruction of the building, which will include apartments and a commercial unit. However, we have now started to consider whether a medical building would be better." According to Jarolim, the reconstruction will take no more than a year from the moment the company starts. He plans to invest CZK 40 million in the redevelopment. After the reconstruction, the building will undergo a major transformation, but the investor wants to preserve the character of the facade.
The CREAM group is certainly not unfamiliar with the theme of Tomáš Bat'a. In Zlín, it is gradually revitalizing the brownfield of the former Bata factory, and at the end of last year it presented to the public the project of the modern multifunctional building Fabrika, which will become the heart of the Bata complex. Over the next ten years, the company plans to invest more than CZK 10 billion in the heritage-protected site. CREAM Group is mainly engaged in leasing of residential and commercial buildings, of which it has dozens in major cities of our country. In Slovakia, it operates a container transshipment facility on the border with Ukraine and is planning to modernise it with strong financial support from the European Union.
In a nutshell
Reconstruction of house No.284 on Hlavní třída in Šumperk
Investment: 40 million CZK
Number of flats: 14
Total usable area 924 m²
Of which the area of the commercial unit on the ground floor: 115 m²

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