CREAM Invest

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CREAM Group is behind the gradual revitalization of one of the largest brownfields in the country - the large complex of the former Baťa factory in Zlín. It focuses on rental housing and commercial leases in almost all major Czech and Moravian cities. It also operates an internationally acclaimed translation terminal near Košice, Slovakia. For the next 10 years, it is preparing projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia worth CZK 25 billion. 

Strong trio changes Beskydy

20 Aug 2024

The CREAM group, entrepreneur Miroslav Rakowski and London Olympic champion Jaroslav Kulhavý are planning a large-scale project connected with cycling in the place made famous by golf.

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The Czechs will build the business supercrossroads of Europe. From Slovakia they will create a corridor for the reconstruction of Ukraine

23 Apr 2024

According to e15, Czech businessmen are launching massive investments in one of the most attractive industrial locations in Europe. Over the next two years alone, they are investing more than 1.5 billion in the redevelopment and expansion of the Haniska transhipment centre near Košice, also known as Interport. The transhipment facility from wide to narrow gauge railways has become significantly more important since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, and its expansion has become important for the entire European Union. The EU approved a €50 million (CZK 1.25 billion) subsidy for its transformation last year. The site could become one of Europe's most attractive locations for industry in the coming years. The Volvo car company is already planning investments on the site, and the U.S. Steel Košice ironworks are also located nearby.

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Cream company already plans residential buildings in Rybníky, wants to build a new district

25 Mar 2024

The Zlín councillors allowed the construction of apartment buildings in the locality, where Cream or its related companies own seventy percent of the land, and banned the development of heavy manufacturing. "We are planning residential development here, after all, this is the wider centre of the city," confirmed Cream spokesman Ivo Mravinac. "We would like to build here a modern district with interesting architecture and large public areas, which will naturally follow the reconstructed industrial buildings of the Bata complex, he added. According to Mravinac, this is still a project that envisages services in addition to apartments. "Since it is assumed that hundreds of families will live there, it is certain that the project will also think about children. It will be the same with relaxation or sports areas," Mravinac outlined. He does not dare to estimate the construction date yet.

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The Czech investment company CREAM wants to participate in the construction of a large industrial zone worth EUR 2.5 billion near Košice, Slovakia.

23 Mar 2024

The 600-hectare zone is to be developed in cooperation with the Košice Region in the vicinity of the U.S. Steel ironworks and the Interport transshipment facility, which CREAM also operates. The investor's intention is to have the planned industrial zone included in the Catalogue of Strategic Zones, which is approved by the government. Its comprehensive feasibility study should be prepared by this May, after which it will be submitted to the relevant ministries and finally to the cabinet of Prime Minister Robert Fico.

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The eastern part of Svit will be part of one big centre of Zlín

15 Jan 2024

New flats will be built in the next few years on the Svit site in Zlín. The investor is the company Cream, which has already obtained a building permit for the extension of building number 32. Martin Jarolím, a member of the board of directors of Cream, talked to Deník about the negotiations with the conservation authorities, other investments in Svit and cooperation with Tomas Bata University (UTB).

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A factory in Zlín? It makes sense. It will be clear within a year, says Martin Jarolím of Cream

11 Jan 2024

Cream Investments informed about the planned construction of a new multifunctional complex with a shopping centre, a multiplex cinema and an ice rink in the Svit area in Zlín this autumn. Why hasn't the construction started yet, although it has been talked about for several years, how is the current concept different and aren't there already too many shopping centres in Zlín? Martin Jarolím, a member of Cream's board of directors, talked about this.

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