CREAM Invest

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CREAM Group is behind the gradual revitalization of one of the largest brownfields in the country - the large complex of the former Baťa factory in Zlín. It focuses on rental housing and commercial leases in almost all major Czech and Moravian cities. It also operates an internationally acclaimed translation terminal near Košice, Slovakia. For the next 10 years, it is preparing projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia worth CZK 25 billion. 


Zlín acquires the Factory for 3.5 billion

CREAM Investments has received a building permit for the construction of a multifunctional building complex, which it plans to complete by 2027 in the eastern part of the former Bata factory site. In the modern centre of Zlín, into which the Bata complex is gradually transforming, three buildings will be erected, connected on the lower floors by a glass monoblock. They will be connected by a common name - the investor believes that whoever comes to Zlín will not miss a visit to the Factory.

It is our biggest investment so far, and given today's market conditions, we expect the cost of building the factory to be around CZK 3.5 billion," says Petr Tankó, CREAM's majority owner, adding: "over the next few years, we want to invest another ten billion in the area, with a major focus on apartments." The factory, with buildings numbered 24-25-26, will stand on the site of today's gap between the Bata Institute buildings and building number 34, a large industrial cube where CREAM now has its headquarters. Thirty-four served as a warehouse for Bata's products for the whole world during the First Republic, and interestingly, Bata still has warehouses in part of the building today.
The two buildings of Fabrika - a new multifunctional complex - will have two underground floors for parking, three floors of a shopping centre, and two more floors for sports activities. A large multiplex cinema will replace the sports section in the third building. A separate building next to Fabrika will be an ice rink with a total of 3,000 m², a classic training hall according to NHL standards. "Compared to the original project we presented to the public five years ago, the new Fabrika is a completely different concept," says CREAM CEO Martin Jarolím. According to him, it was enough to offer enough quality shops before, but nowadays - especially for the younger generation - it is mainly the offer of leisure activities that is attractive. "The buildings have halls for a number of sports with a total area of 7,000 m². We will equip half of them, including a large 1,200 m² hall, with special acoustic elements so that concerts can also be held here," says Martin Jarolim. Of course, the landscaping of the surroundings will also be essential. CREAM has currently agreed with the chief architect of the city of Zlín to form a working group, and together they will launch a competition next year that should guarantee an interesting and, above all, useful exterior around the new building.
The new look of Fabrika is the work of architect Vit Masl, with whom CREAM has been cooperating for many years. It is not a replica of an old industrial building, the multifunctional complex of three interconnected modern buildings was created with deep respect for the architecture of the historical buildings of the complex, which was slowly born from the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century.

The former Bata factory site, with its 65 ha of total area, is one of the largest and most interesting brownfield sites in the Czech Republic and is steadily gaining importance in Zlín. CREAM is its majority owner and has been investing in its revitalisation for a long time. Thanks to its efforts, the site now houses the Regional Office, the Regional Police Headquarters, a business incubator, a museum, a gallery and the Czech Post Office.

A factory in the palm of your hand:

Planned investment: CZK 3.5 billion
Project completion: 2027
Total usable area: 70,000 m²
Total area for shops: 30,000 m²
Area for active sports: 7,000 m²

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